Our public elementary school, B.F. Day, depends on volunteers to get a lot of stuff done. Please know that all help, whatever the magnitude, is noticed, appreciated and needed.
Volunteers are needed for projects that can be done at home:
- Grant writing – research and writing, on an as needed basis
- Data entry
- PTSA membership
- School directory
- Website/Tech Guru
- Coordination/Scheduling for tutoring, running club, or mindfulness mornings

Volunteers are also needed for in-school projects, and other activities interacting with students. These volunteer activities require that participants have a Seattle Schools Background Check. Please consider helping as:
- Breakfast Greeter – greeting students eating school breakfast
- Green Team – Assisting Ms. Carrie, School Secretary
- Running Club leaders & supervisors
- Tutors
- Morning Mindfulness Leaders
- Fun Run Helpers
- Library Helper
- Childcare, during meetings
All volunteers are welcome, including teenagers and college students in need of community service hours. Find out more on the B.F. Day volunteer webpage, or sign-up to volunteer at volunteer@bfdayptsa.org