Next week, Spring officially starts – and this is a perfect time to take a drop-in class in the ancient art of Ikebana, on either Wed, March 21st, at 7:15p or Thu, March 22nd, at Noon. At NalandaWest, take a class with Ikebana expert Charles Coghlan, and spend time with beauty and nature.
Classes begin with reflections upon Ikebana history and philosophy, creating a calm, meditative atmosphere in which to learn and build your own Ikebana flower arrangement with hands-on instruction in design and technique. A $20 materials fee is requested for each class, with branches, flowers, and tools provided. Containers and needle point holders are available for purchase, or bring your own. Classes are designed with beginners in mind, as well as accommodating those with more experience.
Please notify the instructor in advance, by phone or by e-mail, two days prior, so that materials and space will be available for all attendees. For questions, or to reserve your seat, call 206-789-4226 or contact