On Saturday, June 2nd, from 6p – 10p, the B.F. Day Elementary School PTSA is hosting the Arty Party at Fremont Abbey Arts Center. Come have a great time – and help raise money for programs that benefit our children!
The PTSA has organized a fun and exciting evening, with awesome art items up for auction! Ticket purchase includes food and entertainment, with performances scheduled, and dancing. Meet great folks – parents from B.F.Day as well as staff and teachers – and build community while doing good. Money raised will pay for programs such as Writers In The School, and Dragon Dens, plus funding school supplies and other essentials for educating our children.
Tickets cost a suggested donation of $20, and can be purchased on-line. Please consider joining this Arty Party, and helping raise much needed funds for the great work of the B.F. Day PTSA.