At B.F. Day Elementary School right now, the children are collecting donations for the PTSA Direct Drive. Each year, students take home a golden envelope, asking parents, family and friends to give a donation – of any size – to help fund programs at our neighborhood school.
By November 14th, the B.F. Day PTSA hopes to raise money for vital programs not otherwise funded by the School Budget, such as Reading & Math Intervention, Classroom Tutors, Field Trips, Teacher Grants, Music Programs, Writing Programs(WITS), and Community Building Events like the Family Dinners.
Every donation, no matter the size, is essential. Also, participation by our community, beyond that of the school families, reflects how deeply invested we all are in the education, and futures, of our children.

B.F. Day is called ‘The Family School’ because of its close community feel. Best of all, the children that attend Fremont’s only public school reflect a diversity, of cultures, languages, economics, and races, that shows how all people can come together and be a family.
Please consider giving to the Direct Drive! The PTSA is a 501(c)3 organization, and can do Employer Matches. Please visit the B.F. Day PTSA website for on-line giving (click here,) or send a check to the B.F. Day School Office at 3921 Linden Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103.
Thank you for considering supporting our school – and spreading the word!!