On Thursday, August 30th, from 6:30 – 8p, another opportunity will be available to learn about the plans to improve the public playground at B.F. Day Elementary School. This Open House will also allow input on playground development and give information on the design development.
The B.F. Day Playground Improvement Committee has submitted for two large grants for funding phase 1 construction. The two grants are the City Of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Matching Fund, and the King County Youth Sports Facilities Grant. This fall the committee expects to hear if the playground will be awarded money.
The project does need more fundraising and donations to get built. Anyone with fundraising experience – and a willingness to help – is encouraged to contact – bfdayplayground@gmail.com Donations can be made on the B.F. Day PTSA website by clicking on the Pay Pal link, and specifying ‘Playground’ in the notes section.
Also, another fundraiser is coming up – the Universe Classic Wiffle Ball Tournament will take place on the B.F. Day Upper Playfields on September 8th & 9th from 10 – 4p. Turn out to cheer on some of Fremont’s greatest athletes – and some not so great… Besides, its wiffle ball which guarantees a great time!