Every month the band Carrigaline and members of the Seattle Irish Dance Company bring a community together to explore and embrace the Celtic heritage here in Fremont. The Irish Ceili held at Doric Lodge #92 on the first Sunday of each month, from 4p – 8p, allows all of us to learn more about Irish dancing, music, language, food and the elders in our own area.
In April, members of Carrigaline and Seattle Irish Dancers plan a trip back to Ireland to participate in a music festival, but also to learn more about modern Ireland and the Celtic culture – and capture as much as they can in a docudrama to bring it home to us.
Can you help? The Kickstarter fundraising page contains more information, including a video ask, and a list of rewards for each level of pledge. The fundraising campaign expires on March 31st – and if they do not raise the entire $8,000 needed, all pledges will be voided.
For even more about the people behind this project, watch a segment on them on the New Day NW show on King 5 television.
Thank you for recommending this project to any Celtophiles you may know, and any help you personally provide!