Home » New Fundraising Option For Schools, Like B.F. Day, Using SwopBoard

New Fundraising Option For Schools, Like B.F. Day, Using SwopBoard

Raise money for our school while unloading unwanted items on SwopBoard.
Raise money for our school while unloading unwanted items on SwopBoard.

Launched this week, SwopBoard provides users with a new way to pass along unwanted items – for personal profit and fundraising for our local schools.  B.F. Day Elementary School, Fremont’s public school and the longest continually operating school in Seattle, can be your designated beneficiary on this innovative and philanthropic new site.

Browse items available without even opening an account on SwopBoard, and list items for sale for free.  Share your items listed on SwopBoard with friends through e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Sellers choose how much of the sale price they wanted donated back to their designated school – giving either a small finder’s fee (10% minimum) or 100% of the money made.  “The idea is that community members will ultimately network together to use the service to benefit their school creating a trusted network for users,” explained Michelle Sanders, a SwopBoard spokesperson.

SwopBoard_Tagline“You no longer have to wait until spring-cleaning time or garage sales to get rid of old things,” said SwopBoard CEO and Founder Natalie Angelillo, “Families can engage in everyday philanthropy, keep things out of the landfill, and strengthen their communities by selling items they no longer need on SwopBoard.”

To get started, finding or selling items, visit SwopBoard and input your zip code.  Let others know about the site to build a network of friends, neighbors and other B.F. Day supporters who want to unload unwanted stuff, and help support our school!