Home » Makerhaus Offers An Evening Of Instruction On ‘Patents Demystified’

Makerhaus Offers An Evening Of Instruction On ‘Patents Demystified’

MakerhausOct13_PatentsDemystifiedartAt Makerhaus studio members can use tools and resources to create the next great prototype – or piece of art.  Yet Makerhaus also offers an amazing selection of classes, including an upcoming three-hour course called ‘Patents Demystified,’ taught by Associate Patent Attorney Dylan Adams.  Protect yourself, and your new idea, and find out what kind of patent best fits your needs.

On Thursday, October 24th, from 6p – 9p, Makerhaus members and non-members can learn more about what it takes to make your idea safe, with practical solutions.  This comprehensive introduction to patents will give valuable insider tips and tricks, along with an in-depth discussion of the patent process.

MakerhausImgfrmFacebookSep13_599328_453484211436531_130269507_nWith a background in wireless communications, SmartPhone applications, digital signal processing, and network theory, Attorney Adams will be able to guide attendees toward further steps they may need to take.

Advance registration is needed to participate in this class, which has limited space.  Register today!  Costs are $66.75 for Makerhaus members, $89.00 for non-members.

Visit the Makerhaus website for a list of all the informative classes in wood working, metal working and professional developments currently available for registration.  Now is a good time to learn more and get going on that next big project!