Bastyr University is conducting a research study, with participants who have type 2 diabetes, on a natural remedy to lower blood sugar. The study is being conducted on quercetin, a flavonoid found naturally in fruits and vegetables like apples, onions, and grapes.
Investigators Ryan Bradley, ND, MPH and Marisa Pellegrini, ND, are seeking volunteers between the ages of 18 – 75 with hemoglobin A1C between 6.5 and 10.5%. Participants need to be free from severe liver, kidney or heart disease and willing to stay on current medications and supplements for one month prior and during the length of the study.
The study will measure the effect of quercetin on the blood sugar and blood flow of participants. The study requires 20 volunteers with type 2 diabetes, who would be able to attend three office visits within a one- or two-month period at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, located on Stone Way in Fremont. Participants will receive a single dose of a placebo, a nutritional supplement, or a pharmaceutical at each of these three visits.
The volunteers can receive a $150 stipend upon completion of this study, with all labs and blood vessel health testing included at no charge. To learn more about participating in this clinical research trial, call the Bastyr Center for Natural Health about a screening for eligibility at 206/834-4193 ext. 5000.