On Saturday, September 19th, the Fremont Arts Council will host its annual Luminata Lantern Walk starting from the Green Lake Aqua Theater. A new route this year – east to Evans instead of west – will allow more room along the way for a selection of art installations, and the FAC has some money to give to artists wishing to create.
By 5p, September 1st, artists can post their proposal to board@fremontartscouncil.org to potentially receive funding for projects from $100 – $500. Find out more details on the FAC website.
The FAC has created the Luminata Grant Fund to support artists in their efforts to create inspirational illuminated artwork, and to encourage more creative self-expression in the public arena. During this family-friendly celebration of the autumnal equinox, please consider sharing the results of your arts skills, but please note that:
- no AC electricity will be available
- candles are okay for use in individual lanterns, larger installation work should not use candles
- any proposals using fire must provide their own professional fire certificates, permits, insurance, and a signature from the POTUS to be accepted
- interactive works are encouraged
- artists will be responsible for all set-up (beginning as early as noon,) and striking (by midnight) of their work on September 19th
- Luminata takes place rain or shine, and all artwork should be designed to withstand potentially inclement weather
The FAC wants to encourage artists to consider using the natural surroundings – clearings, trees, and water – of Green Lake for their work. All grant winners must complete a federal W9 to receive payment, and they must be members of the FAC.
For more information, and an application, please visit the FAC website, or contact board@fremontartscouncil.org