Home » Practice English Speaking Skills At The Fremont Branch Library

Practice English Speaking Skills At The Fremont Branch Library

The Fremont Branch Library will host a weekly English Circle Conversation Group on Mondays through March 28th. Photo by Adrian Laney, Aug ’17

For those new to speaking English, and those interested in getting better, the Seattle Public Library hosts several free, weekly English Circle conversation groups, through March 28th.

Formerly called ‘Talk Time’, these gatherings provide opportunities to practice English as participants talk about everything, from education and social issues to food, money, family and the weather.  No registration is necessary, and anyone can attend as often or as rarely as they wish.  Do note, however, that space is available on a first-come, first served basis.

Join in a casual conversation to improve your English skills, at the Fremont Library on Mondays through March 28th. Photo provided by Pixabay.com

The English Circle conversation group will be held on Mondays, from 4p – 6p, at the Fremont Branch of the Seattle Public Library (SPL.)  In addition, there are other English Circles on:

Presented in partnership with Literacy Source, the English Circle conversation group is an educational and enjoyable way for anyone to improve their skill and dexterity in speaking English.  Literacy Source continually offers ways for people to improve their lives, and the lives of their whole family, through education and literacy in the English language.

If you know someone in need of more focused practice and conversation for improving their English language skills, please share the news about the English Circle conversation groups!