On Saturday, January 18th, Moisture Festival is hosting a gala evening of music, dance and entertainment, with the Red Carpet Party at Hale’s Palladium. This is the biggest annual family-get-together of the MF community, and a pretty terrific fundraiser too, and everyone is invited!
The 2020 season of Moisture Festival starts on March 12th, and the Red Carpet Party will raise money towards the launch of this 17th year of the world’s largest vaudeville showcase, as well as being a celebration of this singular sensation! Dress like the star you are, in your Roarin’ 2020s best, for this funky Hollywood celebration.
Dance to The Highsteppers, after enjoying variety acts from all around – Pam Severns, Christian Swenson, Alex Zerbe the Zaniac, Jenny Penny, and Chrysalis Circus. Finish your evening with Fremont’s own Godfrey Daniels, and a cavalcade of his magic red balloons.
Purchase tickets, $50 in advance and $60 at the door (if available,) to this all ages fundraiser and launch party for another amazing season of Moisture Festival.