During the COVID-19 health crisis, the Seattle City Council is still meeting – remotely – and deciding issues of public policy and safety. Councilmember Alex Pedersen, who represents District #4, covering Fremont East of Aurora, as well as Wedgewood, University District, Wallingford, and Ravenna, is attending those meetings, as well as staying available to his constituents and their concerns.
In order to follow public health guidelines, the City Council is holding their meetings electronically. The public can still watch and listen to the meetings, by computer, through the on-line Seattle Channel portal (click here.) It is also possible to listen to the meetings by phone, at 206-684-8566. For public comment, send a fax to 206-684-8587, or e-mail council@seattle.gov (‘For City Council Meeting’ in the subject line.)

More importantly, perhaps, Councilmember Pedersen will continue holding In-District Office Hours, so his constituents can chat with him by telephone or via Skype, with ideas, concerns and requests.
Anyone, particularly those located in District #4, can get a 15-minute meeting with Councilmember Pedersen on Fridays, between 3p – 6p. It takes filling out an on-line form, through the Council website, that gives your name, topic, and mode of communicating (phone or e-mail). Visit the Councilmember’s ‘Fridays In Four’ website (click here,) to find the form.
Councilmember Pedersen assures everyone that, ‘we’ll get through this together, Emerald City,’ provided that we hunker down, chin up and soap up our Seattle hands! Find out more about Councilmember Alex Pedersen on his Council website (click here,) or contact his office at Alex.Pedersen@seattle.gov or 206-684-8804.