Give over your weekend to The Painting Experience, and benefit from a meaningful experience in process painting in a virtual community.
In the Fall, The Painting Experience often comes to Fremont with a three-day workshop that removes the pressures to perform, produce or succeed from the expression of art. Now, The Painting Experience has expanded its schedule of on-line painting classes and workshops.
The inaugural On-Line Painting Weekend is coming up, on April 11th & 12th. Hear from Painting Experience Founder Stewart Cubley at the start of each day, enjoy plenty of time for facilitated painting practice, and then share and discuss your experience with Steward and fellow painters.
The cost of the weekend of Process Painting is $195, and some scholarships are available. For those who haven’t used Zoom yet, or don’t yet have a home painting space, don’t worry! There are Painting Experience facilitators available to help (click here.)
The Painting Experience teachers and support staff can facilitate your journey into a creative process as individual as you are. No prior art experience or training is necessary – only your willingness to explore. The Painting Experience is an opportunity to embark on the greatest of all human adventures – embracing your own path and confidently following it!