The Bellingham Circus Family and the Moisture Festival community is in mourning as they were forced to say Farewell to an incredible performer and dear friend.
A fatal car accident on October 18th (more details in The Bellingham Herald, on Oct 20th,) took the life of Della Plaster, known to audiences as Della Moustachella. Her wonderful, creative clowning had provided some outrageous performances at Moisture Festival, as well as the Bellingham Circus Guild, the New Old Time Chautauqua, and Stage Left at Oregon Country Fair. The loss of her glowing spirit has left her family and friends in a state of shock.
This heartbreaking and entirely unforeseen tragedy has many in our community reeling. Our sympathies to all those who knew and were touched, often with joy and humor, by Della.
At this difficult time, the folks at Moisture Festival do have something to cheer and lift our spirits. The Halloween Circus Show is going on-line this week.

On Wednesday, October 28th, at 7:30p, on YouTube Live, enjoy Moisture Festival In Your Living Room with performers like Amanda Crockett, The Buffoons, Checkerboard Guy, Dr. Calamari & Acrophelia, the Du Caniveaux Dancing Bears, Duo par Deux, Godfrey Daniels, Jerimiah Johnston, Jody Poth, Stevie Coyle, and Tom Noddy. The show will be hosted by Witch Wanda La Deux (Sally Pepper,) and will include Trick-or-Treat videos submitted by child fans of Moisture Festival.
For those looking for a fun, COVID-safe activity on Halloween Day, Saturday, October 31st at 3p, the Moisture Festival will re-run this show, again on YouTube Live (click here.)