After a year of self-care and isolation, the Fremont neighborhood is ready, willing and able to show off the art at its heart! The first-ever Summer Solstice Art Week will be June 15th – 20th, with multiple installations and performances going on and no two days being the same. The week-long celebration will provide plenty of reasons for visitors to wander and explore the entirety of the Center of the Universe.
Self-Guided art tours will be organized for those who think they know what public art looks like. Fremont has over 70 pieces of public art on-display all year long, but for the Art Week that number will increase with new installations coming for temporary enjoyment as well as permanent placement. From the ginormous Lenin Statue and Fremont Troll down to the tiny hanging mouths and Reality Relics, Fremont has art available for discovery.

Seattle Art Cars love Fremont, and Fremont loves them! Come see the Tailgate of Art Cars, from a distance or for up-close (and masked) examination. Many of the Art Car-tists are professional artists and will have their own art on display and for sale on Saturday, June 19th from Noon to 5p. Come see them on the U-Park lot surrounding Free Range Cycles and beside the Fremont Foundry.
Over the weekend, of June 19th & 20th, the Fremont Arts Council will put Solstice Parade floats on display for a ‘reverse’ parade as the spectators circle around them! The floats will be strategically placed around the neighborhood for enjoyment by everyone who wants to visit.
Fremont has the greatest collection of small, independent, locally-owned businesses and eateries, and every one of them will be open and ready for visitors to discover, or re-discover, over the Art Week. Many of our favorite Fremont shops and boutiques will also have musicians, performers and/or artists on-hand to further enhance the Art Week experience.
Both Saturday & Sunday, from Noon – 5p, the Peninsula Parking Lot extravaganza will feature performances by the Up Up Up Crane Circus, out of Bellingham, alongside local musicians and dancers. With plenty of space given between performers and audience, and an audience willing to keep moving and stay safe, these live performances will be free but donations toward the artists are accepted.
On Sunday, June 20th, the Solstice and Father’s Day, the Fremont Market will fill N 34th with its incredible and intricate installation of artisans and collectors of handicrafts and creative products. These micro-businesses often grow into full-time concerns, with the support of the Sunday shoppers who provide precious feedback on their favorites.
Find out all about the offerings during Summer Solstice Art Week on the Fremont Fair website (click here.) The Fremont Fair and Arts Council Solstice Parade had to be cancelled again this year, for the safety of all, but the Art Week will allow us all to enjoy and celebrate in socially distant and careful ways. Find out all about it on the FremontFair.com website!