On Tuesday, August 3rd, a primary vote will be held, and all registered voters in Seattle/King County should have received a ballot in the mail – and it must be completed and submitted by 8p on August 3rd.
A local community group, called ‘Speak Out Seattle’, has assembled a Voter’s Guide with recommendations for candidates.

“This election gives us real opportunities for change,” according to the S.O.S. press release, and they provide ratings on candidates for Mayor, City Attorney and the two At-Large Seattle City Council seats, up for election this year.
As a primary election, by voting with consideration for quality candidates, voters will give everyone the best of choices in the general election on November 2nd. In several of the races, the field of candidates is very crowded and the primary will narrow down our choices to two.
Described as a diverse, non-partisan group of concerned residents and voters, Speak Out Seattle has put its focus for candidates on the issues of homelessness, addiction, and public safety. Learn more about the organization, and the complete voter’s guide, on SpeakOutSeattle.com. Find the list of administrators on the S.O.S. Facebook page (click here.)