On October 25th, at Noon, the Moisture Festival Auction will go on-line to allow for bids for some of the fun items available – to raise money for a 2022 Comedy/Varieté Festival. The Annual Fall Fundraiser is an On-Line Silent Auction, and a live-stream variety show broadcast from Hale’s Palladium on Sunday, November 7th starting at 7p.
On-Line donors can bid on auction items starting on October 25th, getting opportunities including a four-hour cruise, for 12, on a private yacht, a Moisture Festival VIP pass, a U-Park parking permit for Fremont, and a country AirBnB stay. Donors will have more than a week to look at and bid on items donated for the benefit of the incredible display and community that Moisture Festival provides.
On Nov 7th, Auctioneer & Master-of-Ceremonies Kevin Joyce will lead the Gala of performances and auction, to celebrate and support producing a 2022 Moisture Festival. Performers include tap dancer extraordinaire Jason Rodgers, amazing aerialist Rachel Nehmer, basketball freestyle juggling master Michael Evolution, and Fremont favorite clown Godfrey Daniels. Expect to be treated to spectacular, and special shenanigans from Moisture Fest producers and fans during the live-streamed Gala.

Moisture Festival may also introduce their new Director of Development, Tim Gonzalez-Wiler. Formerly with the Seattle Teatro ZinZanni, and The 5th Ave Theatre, Gonzalez-Wiler is a huge fan of variety arts and a long-time donor to Moisture Fest. As he wrote, “Please join me in supporting the world’s largest and longest-running comedy/varieté festival… every dollar contributed to Moisture Festival helps us get a live, in-person festival back on the stage.”
Funds raised from the on-line auction and Nov 7th Gala will go directly to bringing back the four-weeks of 40 shows of world-class variety Moisture Fest. Registration for the on-line auction is free – and gives you access to the live-stream Gala variety show. Tune in and check out the fun and festivities as this Moisture fundraiser takes place on Sunday, Nov 7th, with the pre-show beginning at 6:30p. Find out more on the Moisture Festival e-join-me webpage (click here.)