You may have seen the Monopoly pieces appear, overnight, around Seattle – and Fremont. Have you heard about the game that can be played, for valuable prizes, on PlayAlly.com?
The game ends on October 28th, so only a few days remain to play. Learn about how to pay, either on-line or in real life, on the PlayAlly.com/howtoplay webpage.
The giant Monopoly pieces, and the game, comes from Ally – an intuitive on-line platform, that provides banking, investing and home buying options. The Ally goal is to do right by you, and your money. Bringing Monopoly to Fremont, and Seattle, allows you to start thinking about money differently, to get more of it in your wallet, get truly excited about saving it and have a little bit of fun while you’re at it.
Learn more about Ally, and the Monopoly game going on through Oct 28th, at PlayAlly.com