Those able to get out, and walk the Fremont neighborhood, may have seen the plywood and razor-wire on the front patio of Add-A-Ball. This is not due to any problems within the bar & pinball parlor, but because the business is currently closed, following directives from the State. During the closure, vandals and vagrants have been abusing the patio area and rather than risking staff health with repeated visits and clean-ups, the owners decided to block off the patio for the interim.

Add-A-Ball will re-open, as will so many of our businesses, as soon as the quarantine is lifted and gatherings are safe once again. Please plan to play pinball and enjoy this frankly Fremont-esque venue as soon as our small businesses can safely open once again.
At this time, does not know the reason for the plywood sheets on Rudy’s Barbershop Fremont. We would like to hear from anyone who knows the facts behind this appearance, at, in order to inform the neighbors.