Home » An Occasion to Celebrate the Aurora Bridge Barrier

An Occasion to Celebrate the Aurora Bridge Barrier

Ryan Thurston examined the mock-up panel of the Aurora Bridge safety barrier on March 29, 2010 Photo provided by WSDOT

This Saturday, September 24th, from 5p – 7p, join the Seattle F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Ryan Thurston, and King County Councilmember Larry Phillips as the Fremont community celebrates (and gives a huge, collective sigh of relief) over the installation of the safety barrier on the George Washington Memorial Bridge (a.k.a. Aurora.)  The party will take place at History House (790 N 34th St,) will include snacks and beverages donated by grateful Fremont businesses, and is free to attend.

For those who have lost someone to suicide, or have been witness to the tragedies beneath the Aurora Bridge, this celebration could prove particularly powerful.  Since 1931, before its official opening, the bridge has provided a platform for those suffering, and seeking misguided relief through suicide.  The safety fence, installed by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) in February 2011, will protect people who might otherwise attempt to jump – as well as those below the bridge in Fremont.

Please come celebrate, and acknowledge a brighter future for everyone through this tremendous, although seemingly simple, achievement.