The B.F. Day Elementary School PTSA is holding its annual fundraiser, the B.F. Day Direct Drive, through November 20th, and hopes to raise money for programs to support the school, its students and the families that depend on our public school – even more so in these days of remote learning.
As the public school staff and students learn to manage on-line learning, to protect everyone from the spread of COVID-19, it is more evident at how important this school and it’s programs are to our families. We need our public school more now than ever, and the money raised by the PTSA support programs not funded by tax dollars, but just as vital to our children. The PTSA brings the B.F. Day community together to ensure that, under all circumstances including a pandemic, all students’ educational needs get met.
Giving to the B.F. Day PTSA Direct Drive helps ensure that all of our children get what they need to learn, even in these days of COVID. Donations can be made on-line (click here,) although donations can be made at the school with checks made payable to ‘BF Day PTSA.’ The B.F. Day PTSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and all donations can be tax deductible. Please give what you can by November 20th.