The PTSA at B.F. Day Elementary School has asked for assistance from our community on two important projects at our old, but very active, public school.
On Thursday, April 30th, a survey of the Seattle School District will close – can you please take a few minutes now to suggest funding of replacements windows? Our historic school has historic windows – over 100 years old, wooden, ill-fitting, single pane, earthquake-risky and covered in questionable paint. For many years, district documents have mentioned the poor condition of the windows in the classrooms of our school, and the building was, mostly, modernized in 1991, yet the double-hung single-pane wood windows were left in place.
Even if you can’t fill out the survey, or if you want to do more, please consider advocating with the Seattle School District for replacement windows. The windows either don’t open, or won’t close, and the glass is so old that the kids can’t see out and natural light can’t get in. This is wrong, for our children, and as a reflection of the care our community has for them. Let’s be the squeaky wheel.

Do you have a little more time to give? Art room volunteers are needed, ASAP, for permanent installation of a mosaic tile project. Ms. Nelson will be doing the project with students (all grades) last week and this week, and she needs extra adults in the classroom, particularly with the younger grades. Help may also be needed when the tiles are ready for installation. The tile mosaic created in class will be installed on the concrete benches that are on the slope between the new playground and the sport court. Please consider volunteering your time, especially if you have some experience with tile installation. Sign-up to help on-line, or e-mail Kristin Anderson (at kanderson11@comcast.net) if you have any specific questions about classroom art schedules.
Please help if you can with either, or both, of these projects!