On Monday, July 16th, from 6:30p – 8:30p, the Barrel Thief Wine & Whiskey Bar will be host a one-night course through the North Seattle College called the ‘Choose Your European Wine Tour.’ Taught by Sommelier David LeClaire and Barrel Thief owner (and expert) Christopher Gronbeck, this informative class will educate attendees in the wines of different regions of Europe, while offering tasting samples of at least a dozen of them.
Europe is home to some of the most ancient wine traditions in the world, and a wine tour is a great way to explore the area while sampling the crafted nectar of the area grapes and traditions. In this fun, dynamic class, take a fast-paced tour of Europe’s most important wine regions – while staying comfortably ensconsed in the elegant surroundings of the Barrel Thief. Learn about the history, styles of wine and how wine fits into the culture of the regions studied, from two experts in their fields.

This course is only available to students 21+ (identification required,) and will include tastes of several wines so everyone is encouraged to eat before attending. Please pre-register through North Seattle College (click here,) and pay the registration fee of $39 on-line. An additional $20 materials fee will be payable during the class at Barrel Thief.
Find more information on the North Seattle College website.