On Wednesday, January 21st, from 6:30p – 8:30p, at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health on Stone Way, everyone is invited to bring an open mind to a series of frank yet light-hearted, and free, discussions about life and death, facilitated by Brad Lichtenstein N.D. “These are open to anyone willing to take an honest look at how they’re living in the world,” he says, “and who also want to get some ideas about caring for people who are dying.”
The open-ended conversation, called ‘Death & Cupcakes’, gives attendees the opportunity to take an honest look at the subjects of death and dying, in the anonymity of complete strangers. Dr. Lichtenstein, who supervises students in mind-body medicine shifts at the Bastyr Center, is a core faculty member of Bastyr University’s School of Naturopathic Medicine and chair of the Department of Homeopathy.
If you cannot attend on January 21st, additional ‘Death & Cupcakes’ discussions will take place from 6:30p – 8:30p on February 18th and March 18th. Each evening will be accompanied by cupcakes provided by Bastyr University nutrition students, or its dining commons, and Choice Organic Wellness Teas, formulated by a master herbalist at Bastyr.