On Saturday, November 18th, at 10:30a, the Bastyr Center for Natural Health will once again host an informative and helpful FREE talk. Come hear about ‘The Basics of Anti-Inflammatory Eating,’ from Bastyr dietitian Kory DeAngelo, MS, RDN, CD.
Research is showing, more and more, that chronic inflammation is associated with many common health conditions and, at the most basic level, leaving sufferers feeling tired, congested and achy. Good news is that there are many delicious, nutritious foods that can cool the inflammation, and DeAngelo can help attendees identify whole foods and remedies that will reduce inflammation, to restore vitality and health.
A registered dietitian and nutritionist, DeAngelo is passionate about whole food nutrition and mind-body health. She specializes in providing expert counseling to help clients enhance their physical and emotional health. The foundation of her counseling is in guiding clients in the practice of self-kindness, mindfulness, and savoring life for their well-being.
This is a free lecture, open to the public, with no RSVPs required. The talk, which will conclude with a questions-and-answer period, will take place in the Bastyr Center on Stone Way, in rooms 165/166. Find more information on the Bastyr Center website.