There is a Call For Artists out for a new art installation to be done on N 39th, between Evanston Ave N and Dayton Ave N. Three artists will be chosen, as finalists, and awarded a stipend to develop their proposal.
A Seattle developer is building a set of residential apartments on a vacant lot, to be connected to the existing apartments at 519 N Bowdoin Pl. Aware of the public art legacy and priorities of the Fremont community, the developer hopes to contribute a new piece installed in the street-level landscape of the new structure to the cultural tapestry of our neighborhood.
The Call for Artist’s Request For Qualifications (click here for the RFQ .pdf) references some of Fremont’s most favorite public art triumphs and their organic, interactive features. The RFQ also praises the ways these pieces allow for public transformation and the maturity of time. Artists are asked to consider site-specific, locally-focused art work for this Call, to be directly purchased or commissioned. The hope is for artists to create a piece that creates a sense of place out of a site currently overwhelmed by the chaos of traffic and weeds that define it.

Artists interested in creating something that could become a piece of interest, that gives pause to passer-by and inspires wonder and curiosity, and could be another of Seattle’s most visited public art attractions, are asked to submit a letter of interest with portfolio images, CV and a preliminary budget range, by Saturday, May 29th at 11:59p.
Read through the RFQ for more details, guidelines and deadlines (click here for the .pdf) Please also spread the word to favorite Seattle artists who might best contribute a new, creative piece of art to the Center of the Universe!