The Fremont Arts Council (FAC) has had to keep its workshop space, The Powerhouse, located beneath B.F. Day Elementary School, closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, FAC members have been working this summer on renovating the space to make it better, cleaner and safer for everyone – and the day they can re-open to build one of their incredible celebration art events!
For 30 years, The Powerhouse has provided a place for community and guerilla art. They’ve hosted workshops, classes and meetings in the space, as well as storing materials for May Day, Luminata and, of course, the Fremont Solstice Parade. The building, originally the Boiler Room for the elementary school, has been a center for inspiration and creation by FAC members, and will hopefully return to providing this outlet in the post-COVID future!

In the meantime, volunteers have been tossing out old carpet, scrapping off years of flakey paint, and removing dust and dirt accumulated over three decades… or more.
On Saturday, October 2nd, and Sunday, October 3rd, from Noon to 4p, more volunteers are needed to help clean the floors and dust off shelving. They will also be moving tables and shelves around. N-95 face masks and disposable nitrile gloves will be available for volunteer use. Anyone who can help, safely, and is fully vaccinated, is asked to contact fac@fremontartscouncil.org with a ‘YES’.
The hope is to re-open The Powerhouse for use in March 2022, for the build of the 2022 Fremont Arts Council Solstice Parade. Even if you cannot help with this clean-up, visit the newly re-designed Fremont Arts Council website for more information about donating and ways to participate in this independent, arts-supporting non-profit. Visit FremontArtsCouncil.org (click here.)