On Tuesday, May 1st, the Fremont Arts Council (FAC) will gather to celebrate May Day – and they welcome everyone with a spirit to celebrate to join in the community revelry. Gathering will begin at 5p at Lower Woodland Park (reportedly near the Bocce ball courts) with the weaving of the ribbons on the may pole about 6p and a potluck supper after 6:30p.
Field games, a may pole dance, crowing of the Green Man and a May Queen, and a leap over a Beltane fire are regular features of the traditional FAC May Day celebration. Attendees often wear white and bring flowers to weave into head dresses. Potluck participants should bring a dish to share – and everyone must plan to pack out everything they bring.
Everyone is invited to join this high-spirited, rain-or-shine festival – a perfect gathering for families, or those simply seeking an occasion to frolic over grassy fields in celebration of spring! See you there!