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FAC Highlight Reel: Lookin’ Forward

by Kirby Lindsay, posted 16 January 2012


The FAC meeting in January 2012, in the art stuffed Powerhouse. Photo by K. Lindsay

At the January 10th meeting of the Committee of the Whole (COW) of the Fremont Arts Council, with a recent event success (Winter Feast) and a slight time lag before the pressure begins to build the Solstice Parade (for June 16th,) many thoughts turned to other potential projects.

Winter Feast Recap

Reports were all positive about the FAC Winter Feast of the Solstice, held in December.  Without final figures available – particularly the expense amount – ticket sales were still reported as bringing in $7000.

“I had a great time,” reported both Mike Clark and Norma Baum.  Praises were distributed for the music, a light maze/labyrinth created by Christie Wolf, and the headdresses (Baum led this effort.)  Some voiced concerns, for next year, that volunteers be engaged for the night of the Feast, and clean-up after, that more activities be offered to volunteers of all skill sets, and that communications improve after the event, which might be a factor in the theft of the stairs (see below.)

The site of the 2011 FAC Winter Feast, decorated and waiting for feasters. Photo by K. Lindsay, 21 Dec 11

For the 2011 Feast, the FAC rented a space large enough to accommodate membership, volunteers and the general public – so the organization sold tickets.  Reports on final tickets sold varied from 318 – 360, and the seating (for 500) appeared full.  Ricky Gene Powell observed, “a lot of new people were there.  I thought it was a huge success in that way,” in introducing new audience, and potential members, to the FAC.  Ultimately, the COW agreed with an observation voiced by Barb Luecke, “This model was worth repeating.”

Board Elections & Board Retreat

Mike Clark reported that the newly elected FAC Board for 2012 met and voted for officers – with Clark returning as Board President, Barb Luecke as Vice, Sonia Telesco as Treasurer and Christie Wolf as Secretary.

While volunteers made a huge assortment of headdresses for the 2011 FAC Winter Feast, reports are that every single one was worn that evening. Photo by K. Lindsay, 21 Dec '11

The Board agreed to a retreat to be held later in January, Clark said, to discuss proposed changes to the FAC by-laws (which will be voted on by the membership,) agree on a direction/focus for the organization (as Clark explained, “what is the essence of what we are?”,) and “how do we support our members, besides art?”  Chuck Harrison asked if the FAC has an annual budget, and Clark said the Board will also look at funds, and fundraising, and the money available to pay staff.

They will also consider a possible expansion on the loft area of the FAC headquarters, the Powerhouse.  The industrial, free-standing staircase used to access the loft was transported to the Winter Feast site, and stolen sometime after the event.  Before the Board decides how to replace the staircase, they will look at this as an opportunity to reconfigure the area – and its access.

St. Patrick’s Day Event Proposal

The January 2012 FAC Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting, at the Powerhouse. Photo by K. Lindsay

Board member Ricky Gene Powell submitted a request that the FAC co-sponsor the liquor license for a St. Patrick’s Day gathering he is organizing at the Oddfellows Hall in Ballard, with Groundswell NW, the Ballard Food Bank and Sustainable Ballard.  Powell sees this as a family activity, “not a big drinking fest,” to run from 10a – midnight on Saturday, March 17th.  Powell has teamed with Ole Willey, who helped on the FAC beer garden at Gas Works Park after the 2011 Solstice Parade and during the Zombie Walk.  The FAC can make money off the liquor sales, but they also must accept risk.  The FAC Board will make the final decision on the sponsorship, but meeting attendees asked questions and gave feedback on the proposal.

Solstice Parade, and Other Fundraising, Musings

Powell explained, “I would like to see more art,” at the Solstice Parade after event at Gas Works Park, “it’s a great opportunity.  Let’s take advantage of it.”  Harrison then observed that the FAC could partner with other organizations to provide art, and volunteers, but by the finish of the Parade – and parade build season – most FAC members are worn out.  Willey observed that, after the parade, “it’s painfully obvious that everyone is spent.”  He engaged the assistance of the non-profit Space Virgins to staff the beer garden, and it worked very well.

Not everyone is worn out after the Solstice Parade - hula hoops were in use at the after party at Gas Works Park in 2007. Photo by Joe Mabel

Clark reported that Fremont Fair organizers have asked if the FAC want to provide an activity for the Saturday night of the Fair – perhaps projecting parade footage on the wall of the Outdoor Cinema space, installing a beer garden, creating a luminata event, etc.  Meeting attendees mused on the opportunity, but agreed that most are exhausted following the parade.


Harrison introduced the idea of a Spring Equinox celebration, based on recent reminiscing about past late winter/early spring celebrations (like Mardi Gras.)  Sharing about past egg balancing episodes (that proved the legend that eggs will balance on end on March 21st, the Equinox) Telesco suggested a green eggs and ham meal, and Balou de la Rosa expressed interest in pursuing the idea – and welcomed volunteers willing to help!

For those intrigued by these ideas, or looking for an opportunity to pitch your own, consider attending the next COW meeting of the FAC, to be held on February 14th at 7:10pm-ish, at the Powerhouse (3940 Fremont Ave N.)  Even those who just want to see a COW in person are welcome to attend.

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©2012 Kirby Lindsay.  This column is protected by intellectual property laws, including U.S. copyright laws.  Reproduction, adaptation or distribution without permission is prohibited.
