The Fremont Community Dinners program, held at Fremont Baptist Church and led by the Two Bridges Church community, serves up a meal on Wednesdays, from 5p – 6:30p, to anyone who wants one.
Most of the year, the Community Dinners bring together those in need of a meal, and those who want to meet them and share a sense of neighborhood and caring. The meal is free to all, but the Community Dinners require volunteers and financial donations to make it all possible.
Right now, during the COVID-19 state-wide ‘Stay-At-Home’ order, the Community Dinners are still being served, but as ‘To-Go’ meals. These pre-served, boxed suppers are available for pick-up by anyone in need of a good dinner.

The quarantine has left the most marginalized members of our community with far fewer resources, and the economic hardships have landed more people on our margins. The Community Dinner, on Wednesday at 5p, offers a nutritious and free meal to anyone – even now.
Stop by the Fremont Baptist Church to pick up a meal – or visit the website (click here,) if you want to find out how to volunteer, or give financial support to this admirable and entirely philanthropic effort.