On Saturday, November 20th starting at 9:30a, the Friends of the Troll’s Knoll will host a Community Meeting to discuss plans for the Troll’s Knoll property on the east side of the Fremont Troll statue. The meeting will take place in the Fremont Arts Council’s Powerhouse, under B.F. Day School, at 3940 Fremont Ave N.
Under a Parks Grant, the City of Seattle developed the western Troll’s Knoll but the East Side remains a wild, free and unplanned area. The meeting will begin with a coffee and conversation time, at 9:30a, and the meeting beginning at 10a. To maintain safe social distancing, only 20 people will be allowed to attend this meeting – and proof of vaccination, face masks and identification will be required for attendees.
After the meeting, a work party to clean-up the area around the Fremont Troll, will take place from 11:30a – 12:30p. Please RSVP if you can attend either event, or both, at FremontTrollsKnoll@gmail.com