On Tuesday, May 11th, from 6p – 7:30p, Seattle City Councilmember Alex Pedersen will hold a District #4 virtual Town Hall, to allow constituents to hear about the work of their representative councilmember and to give input on the future of our city.
The Spring 2021 Town Hall will be with the Human Services Department Interim Director Helen Howell, for an update on the City’s strategy for homelessness as they shift toward a regional approach to this growing crisis. Councilmember Pedersen will also answer questions, pre-submitted, about District #4 concerns and Council projects and efforts. RSVPs are required to attend this on-line event, and questions can be submitted on the RSVP Google form (click here.)
The Spring 2021 District #4 Town Hall is an ideal time to hear directly from the Councilmember (who represents Fremont east of Aurora Avenue, as well as Ravenna, the U-District, Wallingford, Laurelhurst and Wedgewood.) Of course, Councilmember Pedersen maintains an office in the U-District where he is always accessible by e-mail at Alex.Pedersen@seattle.gov, and from where he will conduct telephone or teleconference interviews with anyone who wants one-on-one time. Sign-up for a WebEx or telephone call through the Councilmember’s website (click here.)