With the start of 2018, the Seattle City Council has re-distributed its committee assignments, and Councilmember Rob Johnson, representative for District #4 – covering East Fremont (east of Aurora,) Wallingford, the U-District, Ravenna, Laurelhurst, View Ridge, and Bryant – would like your input.
Councilmember Johnson will continue as chair of the Planning, Land Use and Zoning committee, and vice-chair of the Sustainability & Transportation committee. Yet, he’s also joined the Gender Equity, Safe Communities, New Americans, and Education committee.

As the only member of the City Council with young children in public school, Johnson has said that education related issues are a priority for his office, along with ensuring City Hall is kid-friendly.
With his new role covering education, Councilmember Johnson has asked to hear from us about what’s most important in the world of education. Please, send an e-mail, to rob.johnson@seattle.gov, and give him insights about how to ensure all of Seattle’s students, and their families, receive support and the systems they need to succeed. He wants to engage the City, and you can help!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!