On June 25th, from 6:30p – 8:30p, the Bastyr University Center for Mind, Body, Spirit and Nature will hold another in their series of frank yet light-hearted discussions about life and death – the new, monthly Death Cafés. Bring an open mind and take part in this conversation at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, on Stone Way.
Brad Lichtenstein, ND, who supervises students in the biofeedback counseling shifts at Bastyr, will facilitate these open-ended conversations to give attendees an opportunity to take an honest look at the subjects of death and dying. “These are open to anyone willing to take an honest look at how they’re living in the world,” Dr. Lichtenstein said, “and who also want to get some ideas about caring for people who are dying.”
These discussions are part of an international Death Café ideal, where they follow a theme, “people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.” Cake will be provided by the Bastyr University nutrition students, along with Choice Organic Wellness Teas formulated by a master herbalist at the University.
Two more Death Cafés are scheduled for September 17th and October 22nd. Find more information on this series on the Bastyr Center website.