The Seattle Art Car Blowout will bring over 50 decorated and specialty designed vehicles, from all over the U.S., for display at the Fremont Street Fair on the northern parking lot of the Burke Building. Yet, these cars are called ‘daily drivers’ and their creators use them for getting around – and intended them to be moving art.
On the morning of Sunday, June 17th, Father’s Day, the Seattle Art Cars will go on the road, allowing people around North Seattle to see these creative vehicles in action. If you cannot make it to the Fremont Fair, or if you just want to see the cars in a different setting, consider being at:
- 10a – Sunset Hill Park
- 10:20a – Green Lake Community Center driveway (near the playground)
- 10:50a – Arriving in Fremont at the ‘People Waiting for the Interurban’ statue

Bring Dad to check out the autos, or simply snap a few shots for sharing later. The Seattle Art Car Blowout is a rare opportunity to see some of these visiting vehicles – and on Sunday, you can see many of them as they were designed to be – driven!!
Of course, stop by the Fremont Fair on Saturday, from 10a – 6p, and Sunday, from 11a – 6p, to see the cars and meet many of the car-tists in person. Learn about why they do it, and how, while surrounding yourself with the strangest form of practical artistic expression.
See you there!