Home » FAC Board Elects New President for 2011

FAC Board Elects New President for 2011

Michael Clark, FAC Board Member and now 2011 President, holds a wheel destroyed during the 2010 Solstice Parade. Photo by K. Lindsay

At the monthly meeting of the Fremont Arts Council on February 8th, the election closed for the 2011 Board of Directors.  The results were reported in a column on Fremocentrist.com

Board Member Barb Luecke sent an e-mail out on February 27th to the FAC e-group reporting that the Board has now elected as their president Michael Clark.  The e-mail included a letter from Clark, reprinted here with his permission.

To all members of the Fremont Arts Council,

I wish to extend greetings and introduce myself. My name is Michael Clark and I was recently elected Fremont Arts Council president of the board of directors. I would also at this time like to welcome new FAC board members Peter Toms, David Roman, Balou De La Rosa and Tom Hobson. These new board members bring a diverse skill set not just in art but in administration as well. Also many thanks to the previous board members who continue to serve.

I am pleased to say that over all the state of the FAC is good although we still have some administration and communications problems to iron out.  These are being addressed and at the time of this writing Parade Director Leslie Zenz and her crew have already began 2011 Solstice Parade preparations.

Spring will soon be upon us and I would like for you to keep the next few months in mind for volunteering and participating with the Arts Council.  Besides our up and coming May Day Event, Rummage Sale, workshops and Solstice preparations etc., we have to relocate all float bodies and related materials in storage under the Ballard Bridge by April 16th 2011. FAC board members Mac DaVis, Michael Falcone,Barbara Luecke and Peter Toms have been searching for space, so if you hear of some please contact the FAC board of directors.

Once the weather warms up a little more we will be doing restoration and graffiti removal on the Bridge Mural and have been contacted the Fremont Chamber of Commerce and the Fremont Neighborhood Council who wish to participate in this restoration. This can be a festive project and a good opportunity to interact with the community. I’ll talk about this more at the next COW meeting on Tuesday, March 8th 2011.

I wish to be an accessible President who can react to your concerns. So if you have complaints or suggestions, contact my e-mail address clark27mw@gmail.com.  Or you can use normal FAC channels such as pres@fremontartscouncil.org

or write me at Fremont Arts Council 3940 Fremont Ave N. Seattle WA. 98103. I am happy to be the new FAC President for 2011 season and look forward to working with you throughout the year!

Michael Clark
Fremont Arts Council, president
25 FEB 2011

Clark steps into a post previously held by Jerry Smith, who has remained on the FAC Board.  Smith very ably led the arts organization over the past year, and his responsible, capable leadership will be missed.