The Fremont Arts Council is on a prolonged hiatus, as are so many non-profit organizations during COVID, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t using the time to improve this all-volunteer, and unique performance art institution. The FAC has use of the old boiler room, called The Powerhouse, beneath B.F. Day School – and they are cleaning out the old building, painting and generally getting it ready for the next opportunity we all have to build back an even better Solstice Parade!
Unfortunately, the area where they’ve stored the art materials from the Powerhouse – near Stone Way, under the Stoneway Café, between N 35th & N 36th Streets – is being cleared out for a new, probably paying tenant. So, the storage moves again – and hands are needed to get the supplies and art shifted.
Can you help?
- Volunteers (vaccinated and observing all COVID-19 prevention protocols) are needed on Friday, December 10th from Noon to 2p to move the art from the storage area to the Powerhouse – and to hang it up.
- Volunteers (again, observing all precautions) are also needed on Saturday, December 11th from Noon – 4p to move the stored art supplies back to the Powerhouse, along with the office supplies
Volunteers on Friday will be provided with snacks, but Saturday volunteers get pizza! Everyone is asked to RSVP, so enough snacks and pizza can be procured. RSVP to fac@fremontartscouncil.org
Due to water intrusion, and other work going on, none of the stored items can be unpacked or accessed right now. Painting of the building is also waiting until the space gets dried out. Volunteers, and monetary donations, are being sought to help with all the work and the materials needed to get the Powerhouse back to a space functional for staging the amazing productions and performances of the FAC.
Come help move the storage, and find out more about the FAC and all its works!