FamilyWorks continues, under its new leadership by Marcia Wright-Soika, to pivot its distribution of free, nutritious food to those in need in safe, COVID-preventative ways. They’ve introduced Text-To-Go (a food bank express program,) and delivering food bags to schools for distribution to families currently unable to access free lunch programs.
The new FamilyWorks AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer, Elizabeth Cox, has been putting together a guide for donors to Food Bank Favorites. These are items particularly in demand by Food Bank clients – to make donors aware of what items are most highly prized by those in need. Visit the FamilyWorksSeattle.org website to find out more information (click here.)
Another project that Cox will be addressing is how the food banks can provide healthier choices – avoiding foods heavy in sodium and fats – to clients. For donors that choose to give financial support, rather than donating food, FamilyWorks will be looking at how to stock the shelves with healthier, heart friendly food options.

Seattle City Councilmember Alex Pedersen, who represents District #4 which covers Wallingford (where the food bank is located,) and East Fremont, volunteered at FamilyWorks in December. He wanted to spread awareness of the food bank as a resource, especially in the face of rising food insecurity in our community. Volunteers can help distribute food at FamilyWorks, following strict guidelines, but they are also needed to collect donations of non-perishable foods and deliver them for distribution.
Find out more about becoming a donor to FamilyWorks by visiting the official website (click here.) Also, find out if you are eligible, through your employer, to get a matching gift of your donation, at DoubleTheDonation.com (click here.) More and more people will need a hand up this winter and spring, as the COVID pandemic continues. Please, if you are able, donate to one of our area food banks. Find out more on FamilyWorksSeattle.org