On April 16th, the survey for the King County METRO & City of Seattle Department of Transportation Route #40 Transit-Plus Multi-Modal Corridor Project will close. Make your voice heard, and your opinion count, on proposed changes to this popular bus route through Fremont.
Input from riders and neighbors will help METRO and the City decide what design concepts to move forward for further study. Of course, before answering the survey, planners recommend watching the pre-recorded presentation on YouTube (click here.)
The Route 40 Transit-Plus Multi-Modal Corridor project is intended to increase the speed and reliability of METRO Route #40 bus. Route #40 has been one of METRO’s highest ridership busses. The route covers 13.5 miles, from Northgate to Pioneer Square, through Crown Hill, Fremont and South Lake Union.
Click here to answer this survey, and share your opinions on Route #40 and proposed changes to this corridor through Fremont – due for construction in late 2023. For more information, visit the Seattle.gov/transportation/route40 webpage.