Deadline to vote for Best Of Fremont for 2012 is Monday, December 31st at midnight. Submit your vote for Best Resident, Best Business and Best Project/Organization to recognize the excellent work of fellow Fremonsters this year.
For a list of potential nominees, review the Fremocentrist.com column for November 16th. Although, Brown Paper Tickets stirred a lot of interest among voters, as have Costas Opa Restaurant and Café Turko. Those are the category of Best Business. For Best Resident, Carol Magalleneas and Charles Hadrann have both drawn votes so far. For Best Projects/Organization, the PTSA of B.F. Day – and the playground improvement project – stands out in front in the vote tally.
To vote, simply send an e-mail to nudge@box2219.temp.domains Every e-mail address can vote one time. The three winners, one for Best Project/Organization, one for Best Business, and one for Best Resident, will be announced in early January 2013.