Moisture Festival is in its final week for 2011, and the incredible, indescribable vaudeville revival show appears to be going out with a big, wet bang!
This Wednesday, April 6th, will be the last chance for Moisture audience members (and fans) to take advantage of one of this year’s newest features – the Festival Lounge. After the show, MF performers and producers – plus their incredible volunteers – will gather in the pub at Hale’s Ales Brewery. Stop by, enjoy some great food and greater beer, with some of the most imaginative, entertaining and sociable folk to take the stage at the Festival.

On Friday & Saturday, April 8th & 9th, Moisture Festival sails over to Vashon Island for special shows at Vashon Open Space. While for the 2nd year folk who live on the island can grab this opportunity to witness the whimsical and wonderful Moisture Festival, this can also give Fremonsters to check out Vashon. An even better excuse would be on Saturday, at 3p, and the special benefit show for Vashon Youth & Family Services – can we say, “Road trip?!”
Of course, this is also the final weekend at Hale’s Palladium – with the extra special Closing Night show on Sunday, April 10th. The line-up of performers at the Festival this year have outstripped anything seen before at Moisture, and yet many high-caliber performers are still scheduled to appear. Do not miss out!
Take the time, buy the tickets (those few remaining) and get your fill of Moisture – for the last time this year…don’t say you weren’t warned!