Five years ago, Chris Schumacher accidentally packed with him a stuffed toy frog given to him just before he reported for duty at the Coast Guard. After taking a few photos of FrogFrog during his travels on an ice breaker in the Arctic, Schumacher created a ZoomShare web site, safe for children, with photos taken at sights all over the globe.

FrogFrog travels the world with “his Daddy”, and gets photographed with landmarks, art and historical markers of every kind. In March 2011, Sherman brought FrogFrog back for a second look at Fremont – and collected more pictures with our famous, as well as the almost unknown, works of art.
To view the complete collection, visit FrogFrog’s Pad, or go straight to the Fremont page. To contact FrogFrog, and Schumacher, send them an e-mail.

Also, do not accept imitations. During his recent visit, Schumacher explained about his recent (failed) attempt to create an understudy for the aging FrogFrog (he just celebrated his 5th birthday, which is elderly in stuffed animal years.) Schumacher found another, apparently identical stuffed frog. He took photos of the substitute, posted them on the site, and heard back from several of his youthful followers, “Where is FrogFrog?”
Schumacher has spent five years with FrogFrog, and thought he knew his “son” pretty well, but the fans knew him better. They’d noticed a centimeter-sized, embroidered tulip on the underside of FrogFrog’s right flipper. Schumacher hadn’t. Now, he knows better!
Enjoy the photos, and check back to see even more!