In February 2022, Hale’s Palladium is going to be brightened and bewildered once again by the hijinks and hilarity of Frank Olivier’s Twisted Cabaret. This vaudeville show features the exquisite talents and skill of Frank Olivier, and his cast of characters.
From February 10th – 27th, Frank Olivier will be performing Friday & Saturday nights at 7:30p, with a matinee on Sundays at 3:30p – and a special Valentine’s Day show also at 7:30p. With live music by the Fez Four Trio, watch Frank Olivier twist and turn, with assistance from Paul Nathan, through the most ingenious and outrageous comedy show imaginable. Enjoy magic, juggling, sword swallowing, knife throwing, and dozens of more unique and exhilarating circus skills.

Best of all, tickets are available NOW on EventBrite!! Get tickets to guarantee yourself, and your friends or other loved ones, seats for this inspired bit of lunacy – performed live! Remember live? All at Hale’s Palladium, in West Fremont. Find out more on the Twisted Cabaret website.