On Monday, July 26th, at 7p, the Fremont Neighborhood Council will hold its monthly meeting, on Zoom. The Board Members of the FNC collectively assemble the agenda for the meeting, and all Fremont residents are invited to participate in the discussions of this advocacy organization.
At it’s July meeting, the FNC will hear from Jolene Haas, Director of the Duwamish Longhouse. As a follow-on to the Land Acknowledgement made at the start of the FNC meetings, the Board will hear from Ms. Haas about efforts by Duwamish Tribe members to become federally recognized.
In addition, the Board will discuss recent information received from the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT.) As part of an effort to clean up signal boxes, and increase neighborhood art, the FNC (led by dedicated volunteer Matt Gasparich) funded Urban ArtWorks to paint 10 of the neighborhood’s 28 signal boxes (the silver boxes that sit at lighted intersections and contain mechanical equipment.) The signal boxes often attract graffiti. Some time ago, the City replaced one of the boxes that the FNC had painted, by artist Kyler Martz, without notification or replacement. In June, SDOT authorized another organization to cover the new box with art intended to encourage COVID vaccinations. The Board will discuss the latest information they’ve received from SDOT about the replacement art, and the possibility of getting another box painted.

The FNC will also get an update on maintenance of the 46th Street Mural, and consider:
- Closure of Green Lake Way North, as part of the on-going Green Lake & Wallingford Paving & Multi-Modal Improvements Project
- The Aurora Reimagined Coalition
- Transition of FNC meetings to a hybrid set-up
The Board will also discuss speakers and presentations for upcoming meetings, the Seattle Tree Ordinance and signage in Fremont regarding the tribal history here. The Board will also approve the minutes from previous meetings, and hear the Treasurer’s report.
The FNC meets on July 26th at 7p on Zoom. Click here for the link, or use meeting identification number 862 5020 1892 and passcode 999742. Find out more on the FNC, and its advocacy for the residents of the Center of the Universe (including a map of the area of Fremont they represent,) on the FremontNeighborhoodCouncil.org website (click here.)