King County Wastewater Fremont Siphon Replacement Project continues as the new micro-tunnel sewage siphons replace the 100-year-old Fremont siphon.
On Tuesday, August 23rd, the contractor will begin installing a new 9-foot-diameter pipe under N.W. Canal Street, which will connect the new siphons to the existing sewer system.

A large crane will need to be moved onto a portion of the Burke-Gilman Trail, in Fremont Canal Park near 2nd Ave N.W. The Trail will be blocked for brief periods on August 23rd, and users should follow flagger’s directions to pass safely through the work area. Cyclists may be directed to slow down, and/or dismount, to keep everyone safe.
For more information on the temporary blockage, and the Siphon Replacement Project, visit the King County Wastewater website. If you encounter any problems regarding this project, call the 24-hour information line at 206/205-5428 or e-mail doug.marsano@kingcounty.gov