On June 18th & 19th, the Seattle Art Cars will hold their annual BLOWOUT. Cars of all shapes and stripes, literally, will appear at the Fremont Street Fair, with a larger percentage than usual of out-of-town vehicles scheduled to arrive this year!
Meanwhile, The Fremocentrist’s favorite green plush gadabout has been out visiting the Seattle art cars – and having his photo taken by his ‘Dad’ with the vehicles.

For kids of all ages, the FrogFrog photo website provides a unique way to view the world.
The site has received a previous mention on Fremocentrist to highlight visits FrogFrog made to the Center of the Universe.
Created by Chris Schumacher, who serves on a Coast Guard ice breaker, the children’s site offers a safe but interesting way to see the world.

His froggy ‘son’ poses at historic, tourist and novel sites all over the world as Schumacher travels, for work and pleasure, and brings the globe into relatable proportion with his high-quality photos.
FrogFrog now provides a chance to check out some Seattle Art Cars. Take a look at the photos collected so far – then compare them in person by visiting the Fremont Street Fair on June 18th & 19th, and the Seattle Art Car Blowout!
Also, see where FrogFrog will being going next on his new Facebook page…