Home » ‘Geeks Who Drink’ Now Gather at White Rabbit

‘Geeks Who Drink’ Now Gather at White Rabbit

The popular trivia contest most recently hosted by at Dad Watson’s has moved to White Rabbit, providing an opportunity for geeks of all interests and acumen to gather.  Now held on Sundays, starting September 25th, at 7p.m.

According to the official website, “Often called the ‘Fushigi’ of pub quizzes, ‘Geeks Who Drink’ is sweeping the nation by providing radically superior hosts and mind-blowing questions to form an organization that hasn’t been seen since the original X-Men.  Not just for comic book nerds, hermit virgins and sports fans, no, ‘Geeks Who Drink’ will tickle the cortex with something that everyone totally, like, almost remembers!”

Enjoy a drink, and field a few questions, on Sunday, September 25th at 7p at White Rabbit – or any Sunday to come!  Become a ‘Geek Who Drinks’ in Fremont!