Home » Guerilla Gardening Opportunity On Saturday at 1st & 40th Ave N

Guerilla Gardening Opportunity On Saturday at 1st & 40th Ave N

On Saturday, February 22nd, starting at 10a (rain or shine,) a community effort will be done to beautify a bit of common area at 1st Ave NW and 40th Ave N.

The area at the top of a public staircase is currently neglected, and neighbor Caroline Sayre is organizing a planting, using extra plants and drought-tolerant flora.  She also plans to consult the City of Seattle list of recommended trees and bushes.

The spot does currently have a fig tree, and a sculpture that gets moved about, on occasion.  The location gets Western afternoon sun, but muted Southern exposure.  Currently, there is no plan for watering the site, but suggestions can be made at the guerilla gardening gathering.

Feel free to stop by and help with the plantings, or donate a small sculpture.  Bring your own gloves and tools – and maybe a few dollars to go out for a no-host coffee break after!