On Saturday, April 30th, the Fremont Neighborhood Council will host their annual ‘spring clean’ of Fremont Avenue, and surrounding areas. Come do good, and socialize. Bring a friend (and kids love this!), and then it hardly feels like work!
Anytime between 9a and 11a, stop by the Fremont Arts Council Powerhouse (3940 Fremont Ave North) to get free bags, gloves and trash picker-uppers. Then set off along Fremont Avenue or, if enough volunteers turn-out, set out to favorite areas of the ‘hood to administer much needed tender lovin’ care.
The clean-up satisfies the Adopt-A-Street requirement for the Neighborhood Council, which adopted Fremont Avenue. It also gives Fremonsters a chance to do good while meeting other caring local folk. So, let’s get out there and keep it tidy!